Tuesday, October 23, 2007


This is our sweet youngest grandson, Matthew . He is our doll. Opps!!! well he is our boy doll.


Natalie is our youngest granddaughter.


I get lots of hugs and kisses from Stella. She is so very loving.


Margo with her beautiful smile.


Victor in our back yard on Oct. 22, 2007.

Victor and Matthew

Look at that beautiful smile on Matthew's face. Victor is really a wonderful help and big brother.

Grandchildren in Grand Rapids

These are our five sweet grandchildren that live near us in Grand Rapids.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Our youngest grandchild Matthew, Sept 28th

College Days

Diana is ready this morning to start her long day at college, working at Starbucks and studying late into the night.

Ben is finished with his school work. Now it is time to play.

Another School Day

Amalia in the dinning room busy at the computer.

Looks like an interesting book Emilie.

Home Schooling in Columbia, South Carolina

Cameron is working on a laptop computer in the den. That looks like fun.

Wedding Guest

We had a great time with our Granddaughter Amalia traveling with us from South Carolina.

Wedding Guest

Dianna with her youngest son, Ethan. Ed is busy at work in Oak Ridge, TN.

Wedding Guest

Three beautiful ladies !!! Are they all three sister's ? Rhiannon, Deb and Sarah Jo. We missed seeing you Wally.

Wedding Guest

Jonathan had to come without his beautiful bride Julie.

Wedding Guest

This sweet couple is David and Shalini and they just tied the knot in Dec 2004.

The Happy Couple with Family

This family is growing and growing.

This is the Big Day

Sept. 8, 2007 : Wesley and Rachels Wedding Day. Rachel is wainting on her groom.

Wesley and Rachel's Wedding Day

Rachel wainting for her Groom .